Sunday, August 10, 2014

managed-1.0.0: A monad for managed resources

I'm splitting off the Managed type from the mvc library into its own stand-alone library. I've wanted to use this type outside of mvc for some time now, because it's an incredibly useful Applicative that I find myself reaching for in my own code whenever I need to acquire resources.

If you're not familiar with the Managed type, it's simple:

-- The real implementation uses smart constructors
newtype Managed a =
    Managed { with :: forall r . (a -> IO r) -> IO r }

-- It's a `Functor`/`Applicative`/`Monad`
instance Functor     Managed where ...
instance Applicative Managed where ...
instance Monad       Managed where ...

-- ... and also implements `MonadIO`
instance MonadIO Managed where ...

Here's an example of mixing the Managed monad with pipes to copy one file to another:

import Control.Monad.Managed
import System.IO
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as Pipes

main = runManaged $ do
    hIn  <- managed (withFile "in.txt" ReadMode)
    hOut <- managed (withFile "out.txt" WriteMode)
    liftIO $ runEffect $
        Pipes.fromHandle hIn >-> Pipes.toHandle hOut

However, this is not much more concise than the equivalent callback-based version. The real value of the Managed type is its Applicative instance, which you can use to lift operations from values that it wraps.

Equational reasoning

My previous post on equational reasoning at scale describes how you can use Applicatives to automatically extend Monoids while preserving the Monoid operations. The Managed Applicative is no different and provides the following type class instance that automatically lifts Monoid operations:

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Managed a)

Therefore, you can treat the Managed Applicative as yet another useful building block in your Monoid tool box.

However, Applicatives can do more than extend Monoids; they can extend Categorys, too. Given any Category, if you extend it with an Applicative you can automatically derive a new Category. Here's the general solution:

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category 
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)

newtype Extend f c a b = Extend (f (c a b))

instance (Applicative f, Category c)
  => Category (Extend f c) where
    id = Extend (pure id)

    Extend f . Extend g = Extend (liftA2 (.) f g)

So let's take advantage of this fact to extend one of the pipes categories with simple resource management. All we have to do is wrap the pull-based pipes category in a bona-fide Category instance:

import Pipes

newtype Pull m a b = Pull (Pipe a b m ()) 

instance Monad m => Category (Pull m) where
    id = Pull cat

    Pull p1 . Pull p2 = Pull (p1 <-< p2)

Now we can automatically define resource-managed pipes by Extending them with the Managed Applicative:

import Control.Monad.Managed
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as Pipes
import System.IO

fromFile :: FilePath -> Extend Managed (Pull IO) () String
fromFile filePath = Extend $ do
    handle <- managed (withFile filePath ReadMode)
    return (Pull (Pipes.fromHandle handle))

toFile :: FilePath -> Extend Managed (Pull IO) String X
toFile filePath = Extend $ do
    handle <- managed (withFile filePath WriteMode)
    return (Pull (Pipes.toHandle handle))

All we need is a way to run Extended pipes and then we're good to go:

runPipeline :: Extend Managed (Pull IO) () X -> IO ()
runPipeline (Extend mp) = runManaged $ do
    Pull p <- mp
    liftIO $ runEffect (return () >~ p)

If we compose and run these Extended pipes they just "do the right thing":

main :: IO ()
main = runPipeline (fromFile "in.txt" >>> toFile "out.txt")

Let's check it out:

$ cat in.txt
$ ./example
$ cat out.txt

We can even reuse existing pipes, too:

reuse :: Monad m => Pipe a b m () -> Extend Managed (Pull m) a b
reuse = Extend . pure . Pull

main = runPipeline $
    fromFile "in.txt" >>> reuse (Pipes.take 2) >>> toFile "out.txt"

... and reuse does the right thing:

$ ./example
$ cat out.txt

What does it mean for reuse to "do the right thing"? Well, we can specify the correctness conditions for reuse as the following functor laws:

reuse (p1 >-> p2) = reuse p1 >>> reuse p2

reuse cat = id

These two laws enforce that reuse is "well-behaved" in a rigorous sense.

This is just one example of how you can use the Managed type to extend an existing Category. As an exercise, try to take other categories and extend them this way and see what surprising new connectable components you can create.


Experts will recognize that Managed is a special case of Codensity or ContT. The reason for defining a separate type is:

  • simpler inferred types,
  • additional type class instances, and:
  • a more beginner-friendly name.

Managed is closely related in spirit to the Resource monad, which is now part of resourcet. The main difference between the two is:

  • Resource preserves the open and close operations
  • Managed works for arbitrary callbacks, even unrelated to resources

This is why I view the them as complementary Monads.

Like all Applicatives, the Managed type is deceptively simple. This type does not do much in isolation, but it grows in power the more you compose it with other Applicatives to generate new Applicatives.

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